Should I Be Worried if My Jaw Pops and Clicks?

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Should I Be Worried if My Jaw Pops and Clicks?


If your jaw starts to bother you with clicks and pops while you eat or when you yawn, 你可能会开始担心. 去看牙医值得吗? 牙医 Dr. 加里Lowder talks about what can cause jaw problems and what you might be able to do to resolve it without treatment. He tells you what to do if these problems become painful or if they persist.


面试官: Why does my jaw pop, and do I need to do something about that? 这就是下一期《大发娱乐》节目的内容.

播音员: Health information from experts, supported by research. From University of Utah Health, this is TheScopeRadio.com.

面试官: Dr. 加里Lowder is a practicing 牙医 and a professor at the 犹他大学牙科学院 并且拥有30年的TMJ经验. The question that I would imagine you get a lot is: "My jaw pops. 这是我该担心的吗?这个问题的答案是什么?


Dr. Lowder: There are actually two kinds of popping that patients report. One is when they're almost at their widest opening, like when you when you yawn. This type of popping is more of a subluxation where the lower jaw bone passes over a ridge in the upper jaw bone, and that's a normal occurrence caused by just a hyperextended lower jaw.

The other type of popping is the one that's more concerning, and it involves the displacement of the cartilage-like disc which is inside the joint. This type of popping occurs usually quietly when you're closing. The disc will slip forward of the lower jaw bone. 然后当你再次打开, there will be a louder pop or crack that happens when the disc repositions itself onto the condyle of the lower jaw.

面试官: So, talking or chewing, is that when this happens?

Dr. Lowder: 是的. 这是可能发生的

面试官: 甚至只是张开嘴.

Dr. Lowder: It can even be bothersome to other people at the table where you're eating. 他们能听到, 他们会想知道发生了什么, and that's usually because that disc is dislocating on closure and then reducing back to normal position on opening. 如果疼痛, it's usually painful because the ligament that controls the disc is being stretched, or the muscles that control the jaw movement are also being affected by that dysfunction.


面试官: So, 如果疼痛, 这有什么值得担心的吗, 如果不疼的话, as long as my dinner mates can handle the noise, 它的好吧? 或者我应该把他们都检查一下?

吃软的食物 & 放松下巴

Dr. Lowder: I think 如果疼痛, it should definitely be addressed. One thing that you could try if it's a new episode, 这是以前从未发生过的, 只是减少你的下巴功能吗. 吃软性饮食. 如果你发现自己握紧拳头, try to relax the jaw and maintain a lips together, 牙齿分开姿势.

面试官: 但是如果我喜欢牛排呢? Is there any way you can fix it, or am I just going to have to live with this jaw popping then?

Dr. Lowder: 那得看牛排有多好吃了.

面试官: 确定.

Dr. Lowder: If you get the tender cuts of meat and cut it in smaller pieces

面试官: 好吧.

Dr. Lowder: ...you'll learn what to tolerate, but you have to go by what your jaw will tolerate. If there's a food that you're eating that causes your jaw to hurt, 你要避免吃那种形式的食物, at least until your jaw's starting to feel more relaxed.

An injury to the jaw can create these popping and clicking episodes, 如果这是第一个事件, I usually tell patients to give it at least two to three weeks to see if it will resolve on its own. And with a softer diet, they may find that things get back to normal again. 如果那不发生, then you should go in and see your 牙医 and find out if there's something more that needs to be done.

面试官: Could long-term damage be caused if I don't do something about it?

Dr. Lowder: 确实可以,尤其是疼痛的时候. It usually signals strain to the muscles or an inflammatory condition which can eventually lead to some arthritic degeneration in the joint, and then that starts to limit function and creates changes in your bite. So it needs to be addressed under those circumstances.


面试官: 如果我理解正确的话, 如果我的下巴开始砰砰作响, 这很痛苦, 不要吃我吃的东西, eat some softer foods for a couple of weeks, 如果它还在继续, 那是时候去看看我的 牙医还是我应该马上进去?

Dr. Lowder: I think if it's a first episode that has never happened before, then it's valid to wait two or three weeks just to see if it will go away on its own. 如果下个月再次发生, then there's something going on that your body's trying to signal to you that the stresses in those areas are exceeding its ability to recover.

面试官: 然后你会怎么做来解决这个问题?

Dr. Lowder: What I usually do is to initiate use of an inter-oral appliance that we call a dental splint, and it creates a buffer for the jaw and the teeth to function to. It needs to be adjusted properly so that it is maximum stability, and it doesn't create a new problem for the muscles and joints to deal with. 但如果调整得当, it will often relieve the muscle strain and also decompress the joint tissues so that the inflammation has a chance to resolve. I think the real key here is if you have jaw issues that are painful, it is worth going and getting an evaluation by a qualified 牙医 who can manage TMJ-type issues so they don't cause worse problems later.

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