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What Are 痔疮?

痔疮是肛门附近的一种静脉,被认为有助于维持肠道运动. 如果这些静脉肿胀、发炎或引起不适,你可能患有痔疮.

大发娱乐的专家在犹他大学健康大发娱乐提供全面的治疗和预防护理肠和肛门问题谨慎, comfortable environment. 大发娱乐将为您量身定制治疗方案,满足您的个人需求并解决您的担忧.

Types of 痔疮

We treat the following hemorrhoidal conditions:

  • 外痔(肛门附近皮肤下发炎或肿胀的静脉);
  • 内痔(肛门内静脉发炎、肿胀或出血),以及
  • 混合性痔疮(同时存在外部和内部相关区域).

Symptoms of 痔疮

你可能会经历轻微到严重的症状,这取决于你的状况和痔疮的类型. 症状通常以一种模式出现,并可能随着时间的推移而增加或减少.If you rub or clean around your anus too much, your symptoms may worsen. 与你的医生谈谈你的个人症状,以确定最好的护理计划.

External Hemorrhoid Signs

  • 肛门瘙痒
  • Large bumps of fleshy tissue or nodules near your anus
  • Tenderness near your anus
  • Anal pain, especially when sitting


Internal Hemorrhoid Signs

  • 直肠出血This symptom is associated with blood on the outside of your stool, on the toilet paper, or in the toilet bowl following a bowel movement.
  • 脱垂。这种情况发生在排便或拉稀后,多余的组织从肛门开口进入.

Internal hemorrhoids may or may not be painful.

When to Seek Care for 痔疮

Most cases of hemorrhoids do not require immediate care, 但如果有任何不适或症状恶化,你应该去看医生. 你的医生会和你一起确定适当的治疗方法,并确保你的症状不是由于更大的健康问题(如克罗恩病), 溃疡性结肠炎, 结肠直肠癌, or 肛门癌).

Seek care right away if you:

  • experience severe pain around your anus, or during bowel movements.
  • 直肠出血,这可能表明有更严重的潜在疾病需要治疗.
  • have symptoms that worsen or persist after one week.
  • notice any unusual changes in the tissue in or around your anus. 

Find a Hemorrhoid Specialist

What Causes 痔疮?

不舒服的痔疮是由肛门周围静脉的额外压力引起的. This can be due to one or more factors, including:

  • 低纤维饮食,
  • straining or pushing during bowel movements,
  • chronic constipation or diarrhea,
  • sitting on the toilet for extended periods of time,
  • 血液稀释剂或其他可能增加痔疮出血风险的药物,
  • frequently moving or lifting heavy objects without proper support, and
  • 怀孕或分娩.

Increased pressure in the abdominal cavity, constipation in pregnancy, 母乳喂养可能会对肛门和直肠周围的组织造成过度的压力.

Can 痔疮 Cause Cancer?

痔疮 do not cause cancer. 与你的医生谈谈你正在经历的任何症状是很重要的,因为它们可能是潜在疾病(如癌症)的信号.

How Long Do 痔疮 Last If Untreated?

在许多情况下,由于缺乏治疗,痔疮症状会持续存在. However, hemorrhoids may resolve on their own as well. 那些积极改变饮食和上厕所习惯的患者通常会在两到三周内看到巨大的改善.

What to Expect at Your First Appointment

For your appointment, please:

  • 提前15分钟到达,完成必要的文书工作.
  • bring your insurance card.
  • make sure our clinic has access to any medical records, 成像扫描, or colonoscopy reports that were completed outside U of U Health.

During your visit, our specialist will:

  • ask about your medical history and discuss your health concerns.
  • check your anus and surrounding area for external hemorrhoids.
  • perform a rectal exam (insert a lubricated, 戴着手套的手指伸进你的直肠,检查是否有内痔或其他异常情况.
  • 使用插入肛门的小窥镜(肛门镜)检查内痔.
  • provide information about your diagnosis, answer your questions, and discuss the best course of treatment for your needs.

Hemorrhoid Treatments

Home Remedies for 痔疮


  • Add high fiber foods to your diet.
  • Take mild stool softeners or fiber supplements.
  • Drink plenty of water and other clear fluids.
  • 用非处方药物、药膏或软膏来治疗疼痛或瘙痒.
  • 洗个温水浴或坐浴(在水中混合小苏打或盐).
  • Use a warm compress to help soothe the affected area.
  • Avoid spending a lot of time sitting on the toilet.
  • Avoid straining/pushing with bowel movements


Rubber Band Ligation (Banding) Procedure

对于大的或脱垂的(从肛门开口的多余组织)内痔, your doctor may recommend an in-office rubber band ligation. No pain medication or anesthesia is required for this procedure.

开始之前, 大发娱乐将简要评估组织,然后在痔疮底部放置一个小带. 随着时间的推移,多余的组织会脱落,并通过正常的排便离开身体. 大多数患者的副作用都很小,并且可以在同一天内恢复正常活动.

Hemorrhoid Surgery (Hemorrhoidectomy)

痔疮手术在解决长期问题和防止未来进一步的问题方面非常有效. Most of our patients will return home the same day of surgery.

We use surgery to treat problematic hemorrhoids that are:

  • extremely painful,
  • contain a blood clot, or
  • associated with a large amount of redundant (extra) tissue.

You will be given medication during surgery so you will not feel pain. 你将在手术当天与你的麻醉师讨论你的最佳疼痛管理方案.

During the procedure, 你的外科医生会在痔疮周围的外部组织上做一个小切口. 将痔内扩大的静脉绑起来以防止出血, and then your surgeon will remove the hemorrhoid. 你的外科医生也可以使用先进的能量装置(手术工具)来切除痔疮,同时封闭血管. 大发娱乐的护理团队会详细讲解整个过程,并回答您的任何问题.

Your hemorrhoid removal may or may not require stitches. If you receive stitches, they will dissolve after surgery.

Preparing for Hemorrhoid Surgery

Minimal preparation is required for hemorrhoid surgery. We may only ask you to:

  • stop eating and drinking the night before the surgery and
  • discontinue certain medications, such as blood thinners.

How Painful is Hemorrhoid Surgery?

One to two weeks after your hemorrhoid surgery, you may experience increased discomfort, such as difficulty sitting or muscle spasms close to the surgical area. Pain medication and warm water soaks will help manage your symptoms.

What to Expect After Hemorrhoid Surgery


  • how to clean the surgical site;
  • a medication schedule; and
  • 疼痛管理技术(如服用非处方止痛药), bathing in warm water, or using a warm compress).

大发娱乐可能会给你开更强的止痛药,让你在手术后的五天内使用. 当你的手术部位愈合后,你将和医生进行为期四周的随访.

How to Make an Appointment

预约大发娱乐的专家,请致电801-587-5854或 request an appointment online. 欢迎初级保健医生或其他医生转介,但不是必需的.

Hear From Our Specialists

How Do You Know if You Have 痔疮?

If you have rectal bleeding, it could be due to a hemorrhoid. 但首先你应该去看医疗专家,排除其他更严重的原因, including rectal cancer--especially if bleeding is persistent.


痔疮—or Something Else?

If you're experiencing severe rectal pain, you might think it's hemorrhoids, but it could be something worse. Dr. 汤姆·米勒博士. Bartley Pickron谈论如何区分普通痔疮和更严重的痔疮.
